For the second year in a row, Delaware Farm Bureau (DEFB) has dominated the national awards for its membership group at the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Convention, held in San Antonio, TX, from January 24–29.
Delaware received the New Horizon Award, which recognizes the most innovative new state Farm Bureau program. The honor was awarded for DEFB’s #WhyFarmBureau social media campaign, which showcased members sharing their personal reasons for being part of the Farm Bureau.
Additionally, Delaware was honored with the Pinnacle Award, the highest distinction a state Farm Bureau can achieve. These awards are given based on membership size, with states categorized into six groups.
DEFB received the Awards of Excellence recognizes state Farm Bureaus that demonstrate outstanding achievements in four programs areas: Advocacy, Coalitions & Partnerships, Engagement & Outreach, and Leadership and Business Development. Delaware was recognized in all four categories.
At the County President Celebration, Delaware was recognized for having the highest percentage of county presidents in attendance at the AFBF Convention from the Northeast. County presidents Stewart Ramsey, Jim Minner, and Steve Breeding attended the conference, marking 100% attendance for Delaware.
AFBF President Zippy Duvall honored one County Farm Bureau President from each region of the United States, and New Castle County’s Stewart Ramsey was among those recognized. Duvall praised Ramsey for his exceptional leadership in agriculture and his work in strengthening community ties, stating, “And on top of all that, Stewart is always looking for new ways to connect his urban neighbors with local agriculture. That’s why New Castle County Farm Bureau hosts community events like a Milk Run 5K and a Beef and Beer Fundraiser.”
DEFB was well-represented at the convention, with DEFB First Vice President and Sussex County Farm Bureau President Steve Breeding serving on the National Promotion and Education Committee. Breeding also participated as a panelist in a mental health workshop that focused on resources available through the Farm State of Mind campaign. The panel emphasized the importance of checking on others and seeking help in the often-overlooked area of agricultural mental health.
Convention attendees had access to a range of workshops, panels, and educational sessions covering topics such as membership, the farm bill, precision agriculture, and market trends. Additionally, attendees had the opportunity to explore the trade show, visit San Antonio’s historic sites, or take part in Texas agricultural tours.
DEFB earned several awards from the AFBF Foundation, including the Scholar Award for the highest total donations from individual donors in its membership group, the Apex Award for a 10% increase in total contributions over the previous year, and the Leader Award, given because each DEFB board member donated at least $50 to the Foundation.
The Delaware Women’s Committee was also recognized for their contribution to the Lion Whiteheart scholarship. Sussex County Women’s Committee Chair Connie Fox served as the Women’s Committee Delegate, with Mary B. Gooden of Kent County as the alternate. Together, they represented Delaware at national Women’s Committee meetings.
DEFB President Bill Powers served as Delaware’s delegate during the AFBF’s Annual Meeting, where 2025 policies were discussed and established. Kent County Farm Bureau President Jim Minner served as the alternate delegate. According to an AFBF press release, “97% of delegates who cast votes operate family farms, and nearly two-thirds represent small- to mid-sized farms, as defined by USDA.”
Delegates deliberated on various policies, including domestically sourced aviation fuel, alternate energy production, labor costs, trade, and more. To read more about the 2025 AFBF policies, visit www.fb.org/news-release/american-farm-bureau-establishes-2025-policies.
The 2026 AFBF Convention will be held in Anaheim, CA from Jan 9 – 14. If you are interested in attending or would like more information, call the DEFB state office at (302) 697-3183. For more information on Delaware Farm Bureau, visit defb.org.