Some Delaware Farm Bureau members attended an eye-opening experience Wednesday, Nov. 15 when they traveled to Legislative Hall in Dover to hear how grassroots advocacy can benefit the agriculture industry.
A panel of legislative leaders from around the state joined more than 25 DEFB members in house chambers to detail how legislation works from idea to enactment. Members also received a tour of the historic building from First State Heritage Park and an introduction to the General Assembly website from Chief Clerk of the House Richard Puffer and Senate Secretary Ryan Dunphy.
“I really thought that was extremely valuable. I hope you got a sense of how the leaders from the two parties do work together. I think that’s eye-opening a little bit, illuminating. Too often in the press, the impression is that they’re at their throats all the time and that’s just not the case,” DEFB Executive Director Don Clifton told members in attendance.
Several members expressed appreciation for the event and thanked the leaders for taking time to visit with them.
“Thanks for pulling this together. It was really nice and a great opportunity for them to come and come interact with us. I appreciate the effort of putting this together. I think it’s certainly valuable,” Mark Isaacs said. “I think the more our voice can be heard in here, and I think it’s never been more prevalent than it is today, the more we can sustain a voice for agriculture.”
The event also featured a legislative report from Clifton who explained how the Delaware Farm Bureau has engaged legislators since he began his role in 2022, adding that he will give a more extensive report during the annual meeting to be held Tuesday, Nov. 28 at the Modern Maturity Center in Dover.
Senator Bryan Townsend encouraged feedback from the grassroots advocacy efforts of both individuals and groups like the Delaware Farm Bureau.
“Legislature ultimately has the final authority as far as passing laws,” Senator Bryan Townsend said. “It doesn’t always work. Believe me, there’s plenty of balance. . . but you’re not alone out there when it comes to some of this stuff. Please don’t be shy about sharing.”
Other panelists in attendance included Representative Lyndon Yearick and Senators Gerald Hocker and David Sokola.
For more information on how to get involved with the Delaware Farm Bureau or to learn more about its Legislative Committee, visit www.defb.org.