Six lucky participants kissed Pucker Up, a 3-month-old piglet, at the 2024 Delaware 4-H Pig Kissing Contest held during the Delaware State Fair. Over the past few weeks, participants collected donations from across the state. The individual who raised the least money, along with the top four fundraisers and the crowd favorite, got to kiss the pig.
Among the eighteen participants was J.T. Robbins of Felton, DE, representing the Delaware Young Farmers and Ranchers. Robbins raised just over $1,100, placing him in the top four fundraisers and earning him the privilege of kissing the pig.
Robbins is a second-generation pig kisser, following in both his mother and father’s footsteps. “It all goes to a great cause, and I had a great time laughing and joking with the great people in the contest,” he said. “I bought the pair of bib overalls just for this occasion.”
Participants engaged in various activities to garner crowd support. Robbins showcased his comedy skills by telling a joke about a three-legged pig saving its owner’s life, with the punchline being, “A pig that good, you can only eat him one ham at a time.” He also attempted to throw a pigskin into a bucket while wearing optical illusion glasses. This event provided enjoyment for both the crowd and participants.

Proceeds from the event benefit the Delaware Junior Exhibitors Scholarships. Since its inception 31 years ago, the contest has raised over $200,000. The Delaware 4-H Foundation sponsors and facilitates the event.
For more information on the Delaware Farm Bureau, visit defb.org.