The Delaware Farm Bureau is celebrating National Farmers’ Day this year with a twist.
The non-profit has teamed up with the Delaware Department of Agriculture, Delaware Soybean Board and Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc. to provide a daylong radio campaign on iHeartMedia stations WDSD, WRDX, WILM and WDOV which will air Monday, Oct. 12.
Topics for the 10 radio messages include sustainability, the Read It and Eat grant which al-lowed the Delaware Farm Bureau to place book barns with accurate agriculture books in local elementary schools, the 7th annual 5K Milk Run and Walk for the Delaware Farm Bureau Foundation which benefits the Food Bank of Delaware and the Ministry of Caring, the iFarm/iVote campaign and more.

With a vibrant agriculture industry right here in the First State, it’s important to take a day and acknowledge the hard work done by local farmers. National Farmers’ Day is a great opportunity to do just that.
“Cooperation was a founding principle of Farm Bureau and remains an integral part of our mission. What better way to celebrate National Farmers’ Day than to highlight that value with a collaborative effort between farming organizations,” Delaware Farm Bureau President Richard Wilkins said. “We all support this vibrant industry in Delaware. I hope the public can listen in to the campaign and join us in honoring our farmers and ranchers.”
James Fisher of Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc. said of the opportunity to celebrate farmers, “Delmarva’s family farmers raising chickens work hard to make sure our families are fed, and they do it while always safeguarding the environment we all care for. On National Farmers’ Day, Delmarva Poultry Industry, Inc. offers our thanks to the more than 1,300 chicken growers on Delmarva who keep the region’s $3.5 billion chicken economy thriving.”
Along with listening to WDSD, WRDX, WILM and WDOV Oct. 12, the public can celebrate the day in a variety of other ways, like:
• Visiting a local farm stand or market.
• Engaging with a local farm on social media by liking, commenting on or sharing their content online.
• Making plans to visit a Christmas tree farm this year to purchase a live tree.
• Supporting agritourism and plan a trip to a corn maze, pumpkin farm or other fun activity.
• Joining the Delaware Farm Bureau.
• Ordering from a restaurant that sources its ingredients from local farmers.
• Learning about key agricultural-related legislative issues and write a letter to your local policymaker.
• Joining a CSA at a local farm.
• Using Amazon Smile to support agriculture education through the Delaware Farm Bureau Foundation. Visit DEFB.org for more information.
The radio campaign celebrating National Farmers Day is just one way the Delaware Farm Bureau has worked with iHeartMedia. iHeartMedia is also facilitating a digital marketing campaign for the organization paid for by a grant from the United States’ Department of Agriculture, managed through the Delaware Department of Agriculture, in an effort to promote local farmers and produce.
That campaign will run through December 2021, digitally introducing 23 fresh market specialty crops available seasonally at markets all over Delaware to consumers who are on the go and ready to find local produce.
“iHeartMedia has been so great to work with. They have graciously presented us with the opportunity to highlight and promote our local farmers. iHeartMedia and the Delaware Farm Bureau worked hand-in-hand over the Summer promoting and educating the public about specialty crops grown in Delaware and the campaign was a great success. I am looking forward to creating new ways to promote and celebrate our local farmers. I highly encourage our community to support their local farmers,” Delaware Farm Bureau Marketing Coordinator Mikayla Paul said.